One Seam at a Time
Interactive Quality Assurance to Identify Coal Seams During Foundation Construction Abstract The Aeolus – Jim Bridger Transmission Line Project is located in southern Wyoming, home to some of the largest coal seams [...]
All Articles & Papers
PSE&G Traverses New Jersey Wetland
Innovative construction methods reduce impacts on protected habitat. By John Ribardo, Public [...]
Current Design and Construction Practices for Micropile Supported Foundations of Electrical Transmission Structures in North America
Current Design and Construction Practices for Micropile Supported Foundations of Electrical Transmission Structures [...]
Problem Solving People
Crux Subsurface, Inc. takes an active role in innovation By Barb Feldman [...]
Sunrise Powerlink Inspires Innovation
PAR Electrical Contractors demonstrates unigue work methods as it installs structures on SDG&E's [...]
Foundation Design Minimizes Environmental Impact
Foundation Design Minimizes Environmental Impact By Chih-Hung Chen, PE, Burns & McDonnell, [...]
Micropile Transmission Foundations in Environmentally Sensitive, Challenging Terrain
Micropile Transmission Foundations in Environmentally Sensitive, Challenging Terrain Published By: Deep Foundations [...]
Horizontal Geotechnical Investigations for Tunneling
Horizontal Geotechnical Investigations for Tunneling Published By: Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and [...]
Why do some articles only reference Quanta Subsurface?
Quanta Subsurface integrated with Crux in 2022. Combining geo-structural engineering and construction, Crux is now able to provide innovative equipment and techniques to provide services on some of the industry’s most challenging projects.
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