Project Portfolio
Explore our extensive portfolio of completed projects.
Minco to Draper Transmission Line
The Minco-Pleasant Valley-Draper transmission line was commissioned by NextEra Energy Resources to connect [...]
Rosamond Geotechnical
In 2025, Crux embarked on a geotechnical investigation project for Lane Resources, commissioned [...]
Devils Gap
Transmission Line Replacement This project was commissioned by Avista and the Crux [...]
BPA Danger Poles TO-002
Transmission Line Replacement In 2024, Crux undertook a critical project for the [...]
Grizzly Tap
Wood pole 115kV line structure replacement The Grizzly Tap wooden pole structure [...]
Ellensburg-Moxee Foundations
River Crossing Structure Replacements The Ellensburg-Moxee River Crossing project was a critical [...]
Gateway South Transmission Line
Foundation program for major transmission line The Gateway South (GWS) transmission line [...]
SRP Pumped Storage Project
Exploratory Drilling for Pumped Storage The Salt River Pumped Storage Project involves [...]
McCloud Dam Spillway
Geotechnical Drilling and Instrumentation McCloud Dam is located in Shasta County, CA on [...]
T902 230kV CHIP TL
Drilled Piers for Upgraded Structures The project involved the upgrade of an [...]
Midway-Ashe 230 kV Transmission Line
Transmission Construction within Historic Plutonium Site The project involved Construction of a [...]
Sammamish-Juanita Transmission Line
Foundations for TL Upgrade Puget Sound Energy’s Sammamish-Juanita 115 kV project provided [...]
Specialized Substation Foundations
Drilled Piers for New Data Center The project involved substation construction in [...]
IPC Cole Transmission
A new $800-million data center is being constructed in Kuna, ID and is [...]
Gold King Level 7 Geotech
Tetra Tech’s Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team (START) was tasked by the [...]
Brownlee Dam
Idaho Power’s Brownlee Dam is a hydroelectric earth fill embankment dam on the [...]
Hutt Wind Energy TL
The new Pioneer Hutt Wind Energy Reinvestment Zone includes a 140 MW wind [...]
Grizzly Substation
BPA’s 500 kV Grizzly Substation is located in central Oregon and was originally [...]
Olympia Substation
Several structures within Olympia Substation, located approximately 6 miles southeast of Olympia, WA, [...]
Eastern Mining Area 115 kV
SRP commissioned the project to accommodate the growing mining customer load in the [...]
Clearwater Wind Project
NextEra’s Clearwater Wind Project features 750 MW of new wind generation in Eastern [...]
Petenwell to Saratoga X-43
ATC’s X-43 138 kV transmission line in central Wisconsin is close to 23 [...]
Middle Fork- Gold Hill
PG&E commissioned the pole replacement project in El Dorado County as a fire [...]
White Pine Pumped Storage
The project entails a 1,000- megawatt energy storage project being developed in White [...]
Carsonia to Reading 69 kV Rebuild
Micropile and Drilled Pier Installation The project involved replacement of an existing [...]
Upper Baker Dam
Helicopter-Supported Geotechnical Investigation Upper Baker Dam spans the Baker River in northern [...]
CNF Powerline Replacements
Fire Hardening Replacements SDG&E's Cleveland National Forest (CNF) Powerline Replacement Projects combined [...]
CNF Undergrounding
The combined project consisted of 124 miles of line replacement, 54 miles of [...]
Lolo-Oxbow 230 kV Transmission Line Rebuild
Avista commissioned the rebuild of the Lolo-Oxbow transmission line, which runs from the [...]
Cerritos Channel Relocation Project
The Cerritos Channel Relocation (CCR) Project involved replacing existing electric transmission towers that [...]
Swan Lake Pumped Storage Project
The proposed project is located 11 miles northeast of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Renewable [...]
Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project
DC Water initiated the construction of the Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT) to connect [...]
Albeni Falls Dam Fish Passage Project
The project involved exploration for a new fish passage facility at Albeni Falls [...]
Harborton Substation
Portland General Electric’s Harborton Substation is located in Northwest Portland near Highway 30. [...]
Aeolus to Jim Bridger
The project is part of PacifiCorp’s Gateway West Transmission Line Project and consisted [...]
Sterling Highway Project
The project involves upgrading the Sterling Highway from milepost 45 to 60 near [...]
Paris to Ark City Transmission Line
The Paris to Ark City Transmission Line involved upgrading an existing power system [...]
Last Chance Grade Project
The Last Chance Grade Project is a collaborative effort to study alternatives for [...]
Deer Creek Intake Project
Over Water Geotechnical Drilling Deer Creek Dam is located on the Provo [...]
Bonneville-Hood River Transmission Line
The Bonneville-Hood River Transmission Line was originally completed in 1941, at the tail [...]
Antimony to Burke A&B Transmission Rebuild
The Antimony to Burke project involved the rebuild of an approximately 13-mile 115 [...]
The West Fort McMurray (WFMAC) 500 kV Transmission Line Project includes over 310 [...]
WFMAC Substation
The West Fort McMurray (WFMAC) 500 kV Transmission Line Project includes over 310 [...]
Willow Creek Dam Instrumentation
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland Division commissioned the installation of new [...]
Gila-Welton Mohawk Transmission Line
Micropile Foundations Western Area Power Administration’s (WAPA) Gila-Welton Mohawk Transmission Line Interstate [...]
Big Chino Pump Storage
ITC is evaluating the potential construction of a large-scale pumped storage facility approximately [...]
Lower Baker Dam
Geotechnical Drilling & Instrumentation Puget Sound Energy commissioned three projects at Lower [...]
Cricket Valley Transmission Upgrade
The Crickey Valley Energy Center commissioned construction of a of a new 345 [...]
Lower Churchill Project
Micropile Design & Construction The Lower Churchill Project is intended to develop [...]
Koolau-Wailupe #1 & #2 46kV Structure Replacement
The Koolau-Wailupe #1 and #2 46kV Structure Replacement project involved upgrading several wooden [...]
Jackson Hydro Water Temperature Conditioning Phase 2
Exploratory Tunnel Drilling & Packer Testing The Water Temperature Conditioning Phase 2 [...]
Columbus/Rapelje-Nye 100kV Transmission
Remote Access Micropile Design-Build The Columbus/Rapelje-Nye Transmission Line is a new, 53-mile, [...]
Point Pinole Tap 115 kV Transmission Line
The Point Pinole Tap 115 kV Transmission Line project involved relocating and replacing [...]
High-Speed Rail East Corridor Feasibility Investigation
Exploratory Drilling for High-Speed Rail Tunnel The planned California High-Speed Rail will [...]
Eldorado Line Swap
Micropile Installation in Shallow Rock The project involved swapping transmission line positions [...]
Packwood Hydropower
The Packwood Hydroelectric Project is a 27.5 MW hydroelectric facility located in Western [...]
San Vicente Dam Post-Construction Coring
Difficult Access Core Drilling The San Vicente Dam Raise Project, located approximately [...]
Cabot Crossing – Montague Foundations
Foundation Installation within Substation The project involved the replacement of Eversource Energy’s [...]
BNSF Slope Stabilization
The purpose of this project was to construct a top-down shoring system to [...]
Wood to Steel Replacement Program
Geotechnical Construction for Transmission Line Project San Diego Gas & Electric’s (SDG&E) [...]
TRTP Segment 11
Environmentally Sensitive Foundation Construction Southern California Edison’s Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project (TRTP) [...]
Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project
Helicopter Supported Core Drilling The Alaska Energy Authority proposed a new hydroelectric [...]
Salt Springs to Lower Bear River Reservoir
Steep Slope Micropile Foundation Design-Build Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District (KMPUD) commissioned [...]
Northtown Mall Expansion
The Northtown Mall Expansion Project involved the partial demolition of the northern side [...]
MPRP Central Loop
The Main Power Reliability Program (MPRP) is intended to keep Central Maine Power’s [...]
Iowa Hill Pump Storage Project
Exploration for Pump Storage Facility The Iowa Hill Pump Storage Project is [...]
Central Subway Cross Passage
Difficult Access Core Drilling The Central Subway is the second phase of [...]
Blue Lake Hydro Phase II
Helicopter Supported Exploration Drilling Blue Lake is the primary source of hydroelectric [...]
Drum-Rio Oso 115 kV Transmission Line
The Drum-Rio Oso project involved there build of a PG&E northern California transmission [...]
U.S. 89 Landslide Remediation
Emergency Drilling and Instrumentation On February 20, 2013, a landslide occurred on [...]
US 60, Silver King and Superior Streets
Helicopter Supported Drilling The Federal Highway Administration and Arizona Department of Transportation [...]
Troy Meadow Segment
Deep Foundation Design-Build in Protected Wetland The Susquehanna-Roseland Electric Reliability Project is [...]
Northwest Transmission Line
Remote Access Micropile Design-Build The Northwest Transmission Line (NTL) is a new, [...]
Lower McDonald Bridge Rehabilitation
Micropile Installation The Lower McDonald Creek Bridge provides access from West Glacier [...]
Lansing-Harmony 161 kV
Steep Slope Micropile Installation ITC Midwest commissioned the refurbishment of an existing [...]
I-90 Snoqualmie Pass Rockslide
Rock Bolting for Slope Stabilization In November of 2005, a large rock [...]
Eastgate Exploration
Wastewater System Expansion The King County Wastewater Treatment Division commissioned an exploration [...]
T-20 River Crossing Foundation
Structure 279 was part of ATC’s T-20 Project, and specifically part of a [...]
Sunrise Powerlink
Steel Cap Micropile Foundation Design-Build The Sunrise Powerlink is a new 117-mile, [...]
Gateway Building Underpinning
Micropile Installation The foundation of a single-story commercial building in downtown Spokane, [...]
Eldorado-Ivanpah Transmission Line
Difficult-Access Foundation Design-Build The Eldorado-Ivanpah project entailed upgrading 36 miles of 115 [...]
Rhinedollar 12 kV Distribution
High Altitude Foundation Design-Build The Rhinedollar project involved upgrading a 1.6-mile distribution [...]
Devers to Palo Verde No. 2
Specialty Foundation Design & Construction The Devers-Palo Verde No. 2 Transmission Line [...]
TRTP Segment 1
Difficult-Access Foundation Construction Southern California Edison’s Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project (TRTP) consists [...]
TRTP 6 & 11 Exploration
Pre-Construction Exploration Southern California Edison’s Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project (TRTP) consists of [...]
Devil’s Slide Twin Tunnels
Dewatering Well Drilling The project included construction of twin tube tunnels beneath [...]
Blue Lake Hydroelectric Expansion
Helicopter Supported Exploration Drilling An increase in demand for renewable energy in [...]
Systems Conveyance and Operations Program
Difficult Access Core Drilling The Clean Water Coalition (CWC) proposed the implementation [...]
Swan Lake to Lake Tyee Intertie
Specialty Foundation Design & Construction The intertie project included construction of a [...]
Sunrise Powerlink Exploration
Pre-Construction Exploration San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) proposed a new 117-mile, [...]
Hudson Falls Horizontal
Drain Well Installation for PCB Removal General Electric commissioned a polychlorinated biphenyl [...]
Gorge Dam Power Tunnel
Difficult Access Horizontal Coring The Gorge Dam is one of three generating [...]
Lake Mead No. 3 Shafts and Tunnel
Exploration Drilling and Ground Stabilization The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) planned [...]
Jackson Hole Tram
Remote-Access Micropile Installation Jackson Hole Mountain Resort announced the retirement of their [...]
Ebey Slough Transmission Line
Deep Foundation Design-Build in Wetland Habitat The Ebey Slough project involved replacing [...]
Central Pool Augmentation
Helicopter Supported Exploration Drilling The Central Pool Augmentation (CPA) Project included construction [...]
Lake Mead Intake No. 3
Offshore Drilling for Intake System Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) investigated the [...]
Big Tujunga Dam
The Big Tujunga Dam, owned and operated by the Los Angeles County Department [...]
San Vicente Dam Raise
Barge Assisted Core Drilling The San Vicente Dam Raise Project, located in [...]
Pioneer Mountain to Eddyville Replacement
Difficult Access Core Drilling U.S. Route 20 is a major highway connecting [...]
Palms Casino Underpinning
Micropile Installation Original construction of the pool area at the Palms Hotel [...]
The Dalles Dam Fish Guidance System
Barge Supported Core Drilling The Dalles Dam located on the Columbia River [...]
Manette Bridge
Exploration for Bridge Rehabilitation The Manette Bridge in Bremerton, Washington, was built [...]
East Valley Lateral
Core Drilling and Permeation Grouting The Argonne Road Bridge in Spokane Falls, [...]
Hoover Dam Bypass
Difficult Access Horizontal Coring The Hoover Dam Bypass Project was conceived to [...]
Denali National Park
Steep Slope Landslide Mitigation The National Park Service required landslide mitigation along [...]
Argonne Bridge Replacement
Barge Drilling for Bridge Replacement The Argonne Road Bridge in Spokane Falls, [...]